A-Z Bucket list
This is a list of things I want to do before I die:
A-learn ASL
B-go to the Beach on every continent
C-make my own Chocolate bar
D-try a sensory Deprivation tank
E-Eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant.
F-grow some Fruit trees at home
G-Go to a TED talk live
H-ride a Horse
I-invent an Ice cream flavour
J-travel to Jamaica
K-pet Koalas
L-Live for at least 100 years
M-make a good Mochi ice cream
N-spend 48 hours alone in Nature
O-Recreate a Spanish Omelette
P- learn how to make Pasta
Q-Quilt my own blanket
R-Recreate a childhood picture of mine
S-try Scuba diving
T-be Trilingual
U-taste sea Urchin
V-climb a Volcano
W-live zero-Waste for at least 60 days
X-stay in a luXury hotel.
Y-try making Yogourt
Z-see a wild Zebra
A-learn ASL
B-go to the Beach on every continent
C-make my own Chocolate bar
D-try a sensory Deprivation tank
E-Eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant.
F-grow some Fruit trees at home
G-Go to a TED talk live
H-ride a Horse
I-invent an Ice cream flavour
J-travel to Jamaica
K-pet Koalas
L-Live for at least 100 years
M-make a good Mochi ice cream
N-spend 48 hours alone in Nature
O-Recreate a Spanish Omelette
P- learn how to make Pasta
Q-Quilt my own blanket
R-Recreate a childhood picture of mine
S-try Scuba diving
T-be Trilingual
U-taste sea Urchin
V-climb a Volcano
W-live zero-Waste for at least 60 days
X-stay in a luXury hotel.
Y-try making Yogourt
Z-see a wild Zebra
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